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The first thing you should do is to find the proper Louisiana minimum auto insurance coverage required by the state of Louisiana Louisiana law states that a driver in Louisiana is required to carry liability coverage on their automobiles at all times However this liability coverage can only be added to your policy when youre driving or parked Liability coverage cannot be added during times when youre not on the road If you do not have enough liability coverage for your vehicle you may wish to purchase additional coverage There are several different types of insurance policies that can be purchased and each one has a different level of coverage One policy is referred to as a comprehensive policy which will pay any damages your vehicle may cause to another person or property Another policy is known as a liability policy that will pay if you cause an accident where someone was hurt You can add both of these to your existing policy if you wish to Depending on how much coverage you need you may want to look into purchasing additional Louisiana minimum auto insurance coverage If you only need liability coverage and have no other drivers with whom you have an accident you may only need the minimal level of coverage and will be able to drive legally in many cases without having to pay the excess cost When you have uninsured motorist coverage also known as uninsured motorist bodily injury or uninsured motorist property damage you can be protected in case you cause damage to another vehicle and no one elses vehicle Uninsured motorist coverage is required by law in most states but you may choose to purchase additional coverage to cover the damages you cause Uninsured motorist coverage will pay the expenses you incur that were not covered by your insurance policy as well as the damages that were covered The amount of coverage required for uninsured motorist and uninsured property damage are determined by a state law called the base limit for these two policies For example a base limit of 3000 for uninsured motorist bodily injury will cover your bodily injury incurred by another individual or business If you cause damage to another individuals car with your car and they end up needing medical treatment for that damage the company who provided the insurance for that persons vehicle will reimburse you for that damage Louisiana minimum auto coverage is designed to provide you with enough protection against damage to property and personal injury while on the road If you are driving in a situation that requires additional coverage contact a reputable insurance agent to discuss your options The Louisiana minimum car insurance coverage required under state law can vary between vehicles Most companies will require that all vehicles purchased in the state be insured at the same minimum level There are exceptions to this rule but in most cases it will involve the same minimum amount of coverage When you start to think about getting another insurance policy to protect your other possessions or assets in case of an accident consider what is covered by your current insurance policy Sometimes it is better to have all your vehicle covered by a liability policy instead of just liability This can often save you money because there are often higher limits on these types of policies Keep in mind that even if an insurance agent wont let you shop around you can do it online You can fill out an online form and receive a quote in minutes to complete It can be frustrating trying to make a choice of insurance companies but doing your homework before purchasing can help you avoid spending more money than necessary Take triple aaa auto insurance quote do some research and find the best deal you can by comparing quotes from different companies and contacting agents to get the best deal