Everyday life involves the use of identity documents for a variety of purposes. These documents include national ID, passport, employee ID, business cards, etc. These documents offer numerous advantages, such as simplified identification, enhanced protection, and simplified verification for visitor management, among others. In government systems, we use both physical copy and soft copy for address proof, among other purposes. But now that technology has improved, there are plenty of scanners and readers that scan identity documents and automatically save them along with personal information. 

These days, a variety of industries, including airports, immigration, banks, corporate firms, hospitals, and insurance, use these machines to scan passports and other identity documents. Passport scanners offer various advantages, including efficiency, cost savings, and time-saving benefits.

Passport scanners have advantages.

  • Passport scanners have the capability to read various documents, extract personal information, such as names and dates of birth, save to database, generate a copy of the document, and even extract photos.
  • Passport scanners can streamline employee processes, reduce typing errors, and increase efficiency. Investigate how implementing Please to Go can boost your productivity at work.
  • Travelers can verify their citizenship using ID and passport scanners equipped with biometric technology.
  • You can access the convenience of a portable passport scanner right from your pocket. These door-to-door mobile solutions make scanning and storing passports hassle-free.
  • Digital systems such as ID and passport scanners utilize efficient data storage and retrieval techniques. Discover the benefits of software development kits (SDKs) and integration for seamless operations.
  • Easily integrate high-resolution capture technology into kiosks, e-gates, self-check-in desks, or access control terminals. Learn more about how this can benefit your business.

Leading brands of passport scanners


Sinosecu’s industry-leading passport scanners offer advanced OCR reading and MRZ processing capabilities, along with high-resolution image processing. This high-precision passport scanner offers efficient identification, extraction, and output of multiple card data. Learn how this technology can streamline your processes.

3M passport Scanner

Discover the cutting-edge 3M technology used in travel and identity document readers for the kiosk marketplace, allowing for seamless swipe and read functionality. Find out more about how this technology can enhance your business operations.