Neck pain is a common issue that affects millions of people worldwide. The neck is a delicate area that houses the cervical spine, which is responsible for supporting the weight of the head. Sleeping in the wrong position can lead to stiffness, pain, and discomfort. In this article, we will explore the best sleeping position for neck pain, along with some helpful tips to alleviate discomfort.

The Best Sleeping Position for Neck Pain: On Your Backyard

Sleeping on your back is widely considered the best position for those suffering from neck pain. By sleeping on your back, you can maintain a neutral spine alignment, which is essential for reducing strain on the neck. Additionally, sleeping on your back allows your mattress to support your entire body, which can reduce pressure points and prevent stiffness.

To sleep on your back correctly, use a pillow that supports the natural curve of your neck. You should avoid using a pillow that is too high or too flat, as this can cause your neck to bend unnaturally. A memory foam pillow can be an excellent option, as it will contour to your neck and provide ample support.

Alternative Sleeping Positions for Neck Pain

While sleeping on your back is the best position for neck pain, it may not be comfortable or feasible for everyone. Here are some alternative sleeping positions that may work for you:

Side Sleeping: If you prefer to sleep on your side, make sure to use a pillow that is thick enough to keep your neck aligned with your spine. You may also want to place a pillow between your knees to keep your hips aligned.

Stomach Sleeping: Sleeping on your stomach is not recommended for those with neck pain, as it can cause strain on the neck and spine. If you must sleep on your stomach, use a thin pillow or no pillow at all.

Tips to Alleviate Neck Pain

In addition to choosing the right sleeping position, there are other steps you can take to alleviate neck pain:

Use a supportive mattress: Your mattress should provide ample support for your entire body, including your neck and spine.

Stretch before bed: Gentle stretching can help loosen up tight muscles and prepare your body for sleep.

Practice good posture: Proper posture throughout the day can help reduce strain on your neck and spine.

Consider a neck brace or cervical collar: A cervical collar can provide additional support for your neck while you sleep.


Neck pain can be a debilitating issue that affects your quality of life. By choosing the right sleeping position, using supportive pillows and mattresses, and practicing good posture, you can alleviate neck pain and improve your overall sleep quality. Remember, sleeping on your back is the best position for neck pain, but there are alternative positions that may work for you. With these tips, you can wake up feeling refreshed and pain-free.

In conclusion, finding the best sleeping position for neck pain is essential for reducing discomfort and improving your sleep quality. Sleeping on your back with a supportive pillow is the best position for neck pain, as it promotes a neutral spine alignment and reduces strain on the neck. However, there are alternative sleeping positions and tips that can help alleviate neck pain, such as side sleeping with a thick pillow, practicing good posture, and using a cervical collar or neck brace for sleeping. By following these recommendations, you can wake up feeling refreshed and pain-free.