Whether you need travel insurance for domestic trips depends on various factors, including your personal circumstances, the cost of your trip, and the coverage provided by your existing insurance policies. Here are some considerations to help you decide:

Existing Coverage: Check if you already have visitors insurance policies that may provide coverage for aspects of your domestic trip, such as health insurance, homeowners or renters insurance (for personal belongings), or auto insurance (if you’re driving).

Trip Cost: Consider the overall cost of your trip, including prepaid expenses like accommodations, transportation, and activities. If you stand to lose a significant amount of money due to unexpected cancellations or interruptions, travel insurance might be worth it.

Risk Factors: Assess the potential risks associated with your trip. For example, if you’re engaging in adventurous activities or traveling during peak hurricane or wildfire season, having travel insurance could provide peace of mind in case of emergencies or unforeseen events.

Coverage Needs: Review what types of coverage are included in the travel insurance policy. This may include trip cancellation/interruption coverage, emergency medical coverage, baggage loss/delay coverage, and more. Determine if these coverages align with your needs and preferences.

Policy Exclusions: Be aware of any exclusions or limitations in the policy, such as pre-existing medical conditions, high-risk activities, or specific destinations that may not be covered.

Personal Preferences: Some people prefer the added security and convenience of having travel insurance for all their trips, while others may feel comfortable forgoing it for domestic travel. Consider your own risk tolerance and preferences in making your decision.

Ultimately, it’s a personal decision based on your individual circumstances and preferences. If you’re unsure whether travel insurance is necessary for your domestic trip, you may want to consult with an insurance provider or travel advisor to discuss your specific needs and options.