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Mesothelioma Symptoms and Treatment When mesothelioma signs are first noticed doctors will order imaging scans to determine whether a patient is suffering from possible cancerous growths on their abdomen or chest Mesothelioma signs can be mistaken for other diseases like pneumonia or lung cancer A biopsy will be taken by a doctor in order to determine mesothelioma There are three main mesothelioma cell types that include epithelial sarcomatoid and biphasic Each type responds differently treatment and has an impact on life expectancy Diagnosis Doctors will run several tests if mesothelioma has been suspected This may include chest Xrays CT scans and biopsies The Xray shows an increase in fluid to the chest on one side This is known as the pleural effusion and is usually the first sign of mesothelioma The Xrays arent always the most reliable method for diagnosis A chest CT scan is the next step This produces a precise image of your lungs and organs A doctor will inject you with dye to identify any areas that might be cancerous During the CT scanner you will be lying on a mattress and traversed through a doughnutshaped scanner The procedure only takes just a few minutes and isnt terribly uncomfortable even for people who feel claustrophobic In some instances doctors may also conduct an MRI test The scans produce highquality pictures with radio waves and strong magnetic fields If you have mesothelioma that affects the diaphragm and the diaphragm an MRI will help doctors find the cancer and determine how advanced it is Certain patients might also require a PET scan In this test youll be given a shot of a radioactive dye Cancer cells will absorb the dye significantly more than healthy ones and therefore appear brighter in the images A biopsy is the most definitive test to confirm a mesothelioma diagnosis A doctor will take a portion of the affected lining The lining will then be examined under a microscope to detect cancer cells This procedure is performed under local anaesthetic and can be accomplished through surgery or by inserting needles guided by a CT scan The doctor will rely on the results from other tests if the biopsy confirms that mesothelioma is present The stage identifies the extent of the mesothelioma and which treatment is most suitable for you This guide includes the section titled Stages that will give you more information about staging Treatment There are several treatment options for mesothelioma Some may improve quality of life and extend life for a longer amount of time than others Mesothelioma patients must discuss their goals with their medical team to determine the best method Surgery can be used to treat mesothelioma Surgeons try to remove all cancerous tissue during this operation However when mesothelioma has reached an advanced stage its unlikely doctors will be able to completely eliminate the tumor In any case surgeons can reduce symptoms The most wellknown mesothelioma type is called mesothelioma pleural which develops in the lining around the lung In rare instances a person may develop mesothelioma within the membrane that surrounds the heart pericardial mesothelioma In rare cases a person can also suffer from mesothelioma that affects the testicles testicular mesothelioma Mesothelioma can be treated with radiation therapy and chemotherapy These treatments are typically delivered in mesothelioma centres that are specially designed by mesothelioma specialists with years of experience Chemotherapy employs drugs to kill mesothelioma cancer cells and inhibit their growth The drug combination of pemetrexed with cisplatin is the standard firstline treatment of pleural mesothelioma Radiation therapy utilizes highenergy beams of energy to kill cancerous cells This method is often used in combination with other mesothelioma treatments like surgery or chemotherapy It can also be used to kill any remaining microscopic mesothelioma that surgeons were unable to remove during surgery Mesothelioma patients can experience many diverse side effects as a result from these treatments These symptoms include nausea fatigue and loss of hair A mesothelioma expert can assist a patient choose the right medication for their needs They can also suggest additional ways to improve a patients living quality This can include regular drainage of the pleura to ease breathing or powerful painkillers Patients should let their doctors know about any other medications for example supplements herbal remedies or overthecounter drugs This can help prevent potentially harmful interactions with these drugs Prognosis Mesothelioma also referred to as mesothelioma of the pleural region is a cancerous tumor that affects the membrane that line the cavities of our bodies such as the abdomen and chest cavity If someone has mesothelioma malignant cells can grow in the tissues which could be spread to other parts of the body causing symptoms like pain or difficulty breathing A specialist doctors diagnosis of mesothelioma is vital because its the first step to receive treatment Mesothelioma can be diagnosed in many ways including physical examination laboratory tests and a biopsy A biopsy is a tiny sample taken from the tumor or mass to test for mesothelioma A misdiagnosis of mesothelioma can be dangerous as it can delay treatment or worsen the prognosis concord mesothelioma attorneys is difficult to recognize because the symptoms can be similar to lung cancer or other common illnesses like pneumonia or bronchitis Because of this mesothelioma gets misdiagnosed as a respiratory condition The prognosis for mesothelioma can vary depending on the type and severity of mesothelioma as well as the patients age and general health history There is no cure for mesothelioma but the cancer can be controlled by chemotherapy surgery or radiation therapy Palliative care can be provided to patients to treat symptoms such as fatigue pain and other symptoms The stage of mesothelioma is an indication of how far a persons disease has spread and how fast it has already progressed The doctor will use his or his best judgment when determining the stage taking into account the symptoms and the rate of growth of the cancer The rate of survival for mesothelioma is contingent on the stage and type as well the location of the cancer Patients who are diagnosed with lesscommon types of mesothelioma have poorer prognosis Patients suffering from peritoneal mesothelioma for example have a better chance of living a longer life because it tends to grow slower in the abdomen than pleural mesothelioma does in the chest Patients who have a high tolerance to treatment might also live longer than those with a low tolerance For instance a few patients with peritoneal cancer have had success with a combination of surgical removal chemotherapy and radiation Signs and symptoms When asbestos fibers are inhaled or swallowed they cling to the organs lining and can cause them to form tumors Mesothelioma is most often found in the lung However it can also occur in the abdomen chest and testicles of men Mesothelioma symptoms generally dont appear until 40 to 50 years after exposure The first step to diagnose mesothelioma involves taking a background on asbestos exposure Your doctor will perform an examination of your body and examine your symptoms A chest Xray may detect abnormal thickening or fluid in the space that separates the lungs from chest wall A lung CT scan can also be used to detect mesothelioma and other cancers in the lungs You could have blood tests to assess the health of your kidneys and liver The doctor might order an chest MRI or an PET scan to look for other possible cancers or mesothelioma within the lungs or chest wall If a biopsy is needed doctors can remove a sample of the tumor by surgery or the use of a needle through the chest wall while under local anesthesia The doctor will examine the tissue under an magnifying glass to determine whether it is malignant mesothelioma or a different form of cancer The results of these tests will assist doctors in determining the extent of cancer after a mesothelioma diagnosis They will assign a staging number for the mesothelioma which can aid in planning your treatment They are not cancerous and they dont have the potential to grow back after removal surgically They typically form in the pleura or abdominal lining Mesothelioma of the pericardium is more difficult to treat due to the fact that it affects the heart It is also prone to recur following surgery Mesothelioma may also spread to other parts of the body like the lymph nodes or bones located outside the chest and abdomen It can be hard to identify mesothelioma due the similarity of symptoms to other conditions that are less serious This can result in confusion and delay treatment The delay can cause more complications and reduce the chances of survival