Last Updated:
May 14, 2024

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Choosing a Small Bunk Bed For Kids Bunk beds are a great way to add some adventure into the room of your child They also can save space in tiny spaces Find bunk beds that have side rails and ladders or stairs that are sturdy made from durable materials and securely fastened to the frame Some models come with extra storage space for toys or clothes Certain models can be converted into two separate beds These features are particularly beneficial for families with kids growing Size The right bunk or loft bed for children frees the floor space to play while creating a wow factor in their bedroom For smaller spaces choose an option with a lowprofile design that is just 2 inches above the ground If you want more space go for a full bunk over a twin bed or a twin loft beds that come with a builtin shelves and desk You can even get a triple bunk bed just ensure that you have enough room over the ceiling for this option Bunk beds are very popular particularly for children who share a bedroom or have little space Before buying a loft or bunk bed for your child think about your childs height and their anticipated growth Also be aware of their ability to safely climb up or down the top bunk You can watch how they play on playground equipment to gauge their climbing abilities and whether theyre prepared for a higher sleeping space Crate Kids offers a large selection of loft and bunk beds for children that can be used in various sizes of rooms We have a variety of finishes and styles that will suit your childs bedroom such as a loft or bunk bed with storage This is an ideal method to keep their room clean Some of our loft and bunk beds for children have builtin drawers to store blankets clothing or other items Others have an escalator that can be used as storage You can also add a trundle which pulls out from underneath the bottom bunk and expands the sleeping area when guests come to If you need assistance in to determine the right size of a loft or bunk bed for your child our friendly team is ready to answer questions via email phone or live online chat We can also help equip the furniture you are buying for your kids with the perfect bedding This includes pillowcases sheets and duvets that come in a variety of colors designs and materials Complete their room with an attractive table and chair for kids or a chic dresser for the kids Style Bunk beds allow kids to share a bedroom without compromising on space The beds are stacked and the top bed is usually accessible via the ladder Theyre also popular with travelers and college students who want to make the most of their limited living space There are a variety of styles of beds based on your childs requirements and wants If your kids are ready for bunk beds but youre worried about safety you might want to consider a small loft bed instead These beds are higher than traditional bunks and typically have two beds on the lower side which can be used for storage or as single beds Some are angled to fit the corners of rooms making them a great choice for apartments or other small spaces Another option is a fullovertwin bunk bed that has twin beds on top and a larger full mattress on the bottom This classic design is great for siblings sharing a bedroom but teens who require more space love it This kind of bunk bed is equipped with a standard or leaning ladder and may have builtin shelves under the lower twin bed This West Elm small bunk bed or loft bed comes with adorable treehousethemed design and an arched ceiling that will inspire imaginative play for hours in your childs rooms When they realize that they are sleeping in the middle of their favorite imaginary world they will be eager to go to sleep This collection includes a wide range of bunk and loft beds that can be incorporated into the unique designs of your kids rooms You can pick from a range of heights finishes and styles for the ends straight or curved or bent Add matching bedding to your childs new space after youve found the perfect small loft or bunk bed Pottery Barn Kids offers sheets comforters and blankets that come in a vast range of colors materials and patterns There are also duvet covers that make it easy to change the appearance of your childrens rooms throughout the year Safety Bunk beds are popular due to the fact that they save space but they also pose a security risk for youngsters who arent old enough to be able to sleep on the top bunk Children can fall from the lower beds back or be caught between the ladder and bottom mattress If kids beds bunk want to make sure that your children are sleeping in a safe way pick a bunk bed which meets national safety standards It must be inspected by an independent testing laboratory Verify that the bed has guard rails on all sides with gaps of no more than 35 inches wide to prevent strangulation Make sure that the mattress foundation is not too deep and firm A mattress that is too deep could cause the guardrails to collapse Avoid bunk beds with ladders that extend beyond the frame These ladders are more likely to be tangled in curtains or other objects Kids should never climb or play on the sides of a bunk bed and they shouldnt play with toys or other items close to or on the ladder The ideal place for bunk beds is in the corner of the room so that both beds are hugged by walls on two sides Its also important to keep bunk beds away from hanging lights or ceiling fans as they could be dangerous if someone falls and bumps their head when they are lying upright in bed To prevent accidents stairs or ladders should have antientrapment features and be securely attached to bunk beds to prevent accidents Its also a good idea to have a firm surface for kids to climb and fall down like carpet or a stair runner Its important to teach children the rules of using bunk beds for example not jumping on or playing on them and only sleeping on them Teach them to only use the ladder for climbing up and down Dont use it as an exercise stairway Also children should be taught not to hang items such as belts scarves jump ropes or other decorations from the bunk beds because they could cause strangulation Convenience A bunk bed is a great way to free up space in a shared room and also make it easier to sleep for your children It is important to think about the safety features before purchasing a bunk bed Some bunk beds come with stairs while others come with ladders Both are useful however you must ensure that theyre constructed of solid wood that doesnt be able to fall apart or cause a hazard when used Staircases are typically more secure than ladders because they are integrated into the frame of the bed Ladders can be dangerous for children as they are easy to climb over and could cause falls if they are not secured properly A trundle is another great bunk bed convenience It lets you create a sleeping space for guests This is a great choice for kids who like having sleepovers with their friends and can also help to eliminate the requirement for a separate dresser or chest of drawers in a small bedroom Many bunk beds come with an trundle that is part of the overall bed however you can find standalone trundles that will fit under the bottom bunk to provide your children with more storage space in their bedroom Some bunk bed models even include a desk which allows your children to work or study in their own space This is a huge convenience for schoolaged children who must keep on top of their studies and helps them develop a good habit that will last into the future when they start working on their own Bunk beds with desks are also great for children who want to have their very own playroom This will encourage children to spend time with family and friends outside of school If your kids are avid of imaginative play a bunk with slide could be an enjoyable thing to use This can transform their bunks into a treehouse or doubledecker bus or pirate ship and is a fun way to spend more time with your kids during the day

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