Interventional radiology (Girişimsel Radyoloji) is a medical specialty

that uses minimally invasive procedures (often needle-sized) to diagnose and treat various diseases. Thyroid nodules, varicose veins, varicocele, pelvic congestion, and fibroids can be treated non-surgically using interventional radiology techniques.

Thyroid Nodules (Tiroid Nodülleri Ameliyatsız Tedavisi)
Treatment Methods: Ethanol Ablation (PEI) and Radiofrequency & Microwave Ablation
Description: Ethanol ablation (PEI) is used for treating thyroid nodules, particularly those containing fluid. In this procedure, ethanol (alcohol) is injected into the nodule via a thin needle to shrink it. Radiofrequency and microwave ablation are preferred for solid nodules. These techniques use high-frequency radio waves or microwaves to heat and destroy the nodule cells.

Varicose Veins (Ameliyatsız Varis Tedavisi)
Treatment Methods: Sclerotherapy and Endovenous Laser Treatment (EVLT)
Description: Sclerotherapy involves injecting a chemical solution into the varicose vein to cause it to close and adhere. This method is effective for superficial veins. Endovenous laser treatment (EVLT) treats varicose veins by delivering laser energy inside the vein, closing larger varicose veins.

Varicocele (Ameliyatsız Varikosel Tedavisi)
Treatment Method: Varicocele Embolization
Description: Varicocele embolization is used to treat enlarged veins in the testes. A catheter (thin tube) is inserted into the body, and embolic agents are injected to block the enlarged veins, redirecting blood flow to treat the varicocele.

Pelvic Congestion Syndrome
Treatment Method: Venous Embolization
Description: Pelvic congestion syndrome is a chronic pain condition caused by varicose veins in the pelvic region. Venous embolization uses a catheter to locate varicose veins in the pelvis, which are then blocked using embolic material. This reduces blood flow and relieves pain.

Fibroids (Ameliyatsız myom tedavisi)
Treatment Method: Uterine Artery Embolization (UAE)
Description: Uterine artery embolization (UAE) treats fibroids by locating arteries supplying blood to the uterus and blocking them with tiny particles. This cuts off the blood supply to the fibroids, causing them to shrink over time.

These treatments offer patients a less painful experience and faster recovery through minimally invasive methods. However, a thorough evaluation with a healthcare professional is essential to determine suitability.

Breast Mass (Fibroadenoma) Treatments
Treatment Method: Radiofrequency & Microwave Ablation
Description: Radiofrequency and microwave ablation are minimally invasive procedures that use high-frequency radio waves or microwaves to heat and destroy tumor tissue. The procedure is performed under local anesthesia and can typically be completed in about an hour. This technique can effectively reduce or eliminate the mass.